What is Spiritual Yoga and
How is it different to other yoga?
Spiritual Yoga recognizes every person is here on earth to learn and to grow. Part of growth is accepting the things we need to change in our lives and the things we are unable to change.
Spiritual Yoga is designed for women and men of all ages, and invites you to understand and meet your body’s needs as you build a more harmonious relationship. It helps you understand the connection that exists between all people and all things on earth. It encourages people to work together in an energy of peace, love, and mutual respect
Spiritual Yoga is designed to meet the needs of people living and working today and facing the challenges of
high stress work and lifestyles
exhaustion, boredom, loneliness
poor health and nutrition
high level of disease.
Naturally Spiritual Yoga evolves to continue to meet changing needs.
Spiritual Yoga helps you connect; with your body, with your emotions and with other participants in the class to help you and to improve the group energy. You are invited to share the spiritual values of equality, honesty, non-judgement and sharing of energy; uplifting each other to bring joy into our worlds. Put simply it is for people who want to belong, be part of a community, to contribute, grow and be uplifted.
Spiritual Yoga allows you the freedom of choice to decide the level of your participation and how gently or strongly you wish to move your body on any day. There is a flow from pose to pose, connected with music and with breath to build strength and flexibility.
You are encouraged to wear clothing you feel comfortable in and that reflects you and allows you to move freely. Colours are a powerful form of expression and some colours will help and others will hinder your journey through life.
Different props may be used, for example a mat, chair, or a blanket, to offer support and the opportunity to broaden your experience.